paid less cryptocurrency than what was asked by the PremSocks website and got messages on the invoice page such as "underpayment" "invoice underpaid" or "mispayment". Will you add funds to your account?

If for some reason you paid less cryptocurrency than what was asked by our website, you don't have to take any action.

Your funds will be added and the deposit amount will get adjusted automatically.

All you have to do is wait until the cryptocurrency transaction reaches network confirmation.

Let's say:

If you created a deposit for 10$ but sent only 7.5$ worth of cryptocurrency, the system will automatically credit 7.5$ to your account once the transaction reaches cryptocurrency network confirmation.

To avoid such underpayment situations, we recommend avoiding sending money directly from the cryptocurrency exchange to us. Instead, try to first send funds to your own personal cryptocurrency wallet (such as Exodus Wallet or Trust Wallet) and after receiving the funds on your personal wallet, pay the invoice.

This way you will be sure that the exchange will not deduct the fee from the withdrawn amount and the final amount sent will be exactly as you define. Sending funds from exchanges is a very common reason for mispayments. 

Please note that if the amount we received is less than the minimum deposit of - 2.00$, no funds will be added to your account.